New Rewards Program!
I have now implemented a new rewards program for purchases off my web site. You can now acquire points, which turn into cold hard cash you can use to purchase items from my web site. It easy! And you don't have to do anything except make purchases as you normally would. See images below on how this works. There is nothing to do on your side. Web site does everything for you.
Thank you for being a loyal customer YOU deserve something back!
Thanks for looking.
Point Accumulation
You will get 1 point for every $10 spent which equals .25 cents. Points will stay in your account for 2 months. After 2 months they will expire. This can also be tracked in your Loyalty Scheme part of your account and see when you got points and 60 days after those points will expire. So your whole account won't wipe out.
If you made a purchase June 1st and another on June 8th.. Points from June 1st will expire August 1st. All other points will remain. The points acquired June 8th will expire August 8th and so on..
1. Points will not be added to your account unless order is paid for and order is completed / shipped.
2. If you return an item(s) the points for that purchase(s) will be deducted
3. Due to different time zones. Points may take a couple of hours to update. All though the MOD developer is currently working on this to make it instant with an update.
Don't forget you can also chat live in real time with me if you see in the lower right hand side of your screen CHAT WITH US. Means I am currently on. If it says Leave a message I will get back to you. Of course you can always email me as well.